My Brave Adriene
This is my favorite picture from my friend Adriene's website. She was diagnosed with breast cancer, and she documented her whole chemo process on her online photojournal. She's so brave to share with the world her ups and downs. If you know anyone who was or is diagnosed, I recommend that you send them to her site. It's so therapeutic to read someone else's process.
The accompanying description to this picture was:
"A pale faint, soft as down, covers my head. I pass my hand up and over, my scalp, running towards the future, is blooming rich and translucent. I wonder what fine roots this baby like birth will set forth to only fall out as a newborn’s first hair should. Patting my breast I feel nothing. I sometimes yearn for that feeling to feel again all the while knowing the nerves will never reconnect. Be satisfied. Be satisfied. My sweet loss is only the beginning. Think of the goodness to come, what fine experiences will add up with worldly notions sun and moon and the grandest nod: life itself. It is an understatement to speak of cancer as the greatest fight of all because it is so much more. It is the testament of fortitude and beyond being dragged into the depths deep. And yet these words do no justice. I cannot articulate the difficult passage. It simply escapes me. Floribunda, day breaker, honey perfume pink and red, I look to others who have come before me because it is with knowledge the understanding is made. All one has to say is, I am a survivor, and that is more than enough."