Hi Tricia!


Thursday, February 09, 2006

Venuzuela's Oil + Social Change + Open-Source

Christmas Tree
Picture originally uploaded and taken by focalplane.
This article from World Changing really captures how technology and social change becoming even more inseparable. In the case of Venezuela, this article gives an example of how the state-owned oil company's Microsoft-based computer system was sabatoged - only to be saved by local hackers who were able to break in and restore the settings. AFter that, Venezuela decided against the use of systems with proprietary code (Microsoft) and mandated a switch to systems that run only on open-source programs.

This is a very forward looking action that we should keep an eye on - for Venezuela is really saying that dependence on US codes-programs-closed systems further enables their dependency on USA, which therefore renders government agencies and public institutions vulnerable to cyber attacks. Hmmm I wonder who sabatoged the Microsoft programs that run their oil systems? Cough CIA cough America

Below is the article link and abstract:

WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: A Revolution Saved By Hackers:

A Revolution Saved By Hackers | Jamais Cascio

Leapfrog Nations - Emerging Technology in the New Developing World see all posts in this category
In an ideal world, the first country to wholly embrace free/libre/open source software (FLOSS) as a tool for economic and social change would be one that also embraced entirely free/open political discourse. Sadly, we don't live in an ideal world, and the spearhead of an open source revolution may well be Venezuela under Hugo Chavez. We posted last month about Venezuela's law requiring government agencies to transition to FLOSS over a two year period. Now GNU software engineer David Sugar, in a report for Technology & Change, provides more details about Venezuela's adoption of open source technology -- as well as why Chavez owes his continued office to computer hackers.

The appeal of FLOSS to developing nations is clear and simple: the software can be legally acquired free of cost; the lack of pro

Bye Bye Jehovah's Witnesses


Pissed Brooklynites:

I pass by this building on the Q train everyday and I've gotten quite used to seeing this stark facade that is owned by Jehovah's Witnesses. But reports from CURB say that it is being turned into 450 luxury condos. But the developer is being sued for building residences on a building that sits on public park land. Hmm I suspect that city politics will allow the developer to win by rezoning the land.

"developer Robert Levine's plans for the 12-story Brooklyn waterfront building he

purchased from the Jehovah's Witnesses for $200 million. The 450 luxury condos at One Brooklyn Bridge Park(now with basic web presence !) will enjoy refrigerated storage for grocery delivery, a meditation room, an indoor driving range, private riverfront cabanas and one big fat lawsuit . The Daily News reports that opponents are going to file suit in an effort to block the private residences, which will sit on public park land once that whole thing gets built."

Condos a go? Foes say no[NYDN]
The Watchtower: Brooklyn Heights Real Estate Magnates [Curbed]
Brooklyn Bridge Park Gets Its Walking-Around Money [Curbed]
[360 Furman St. building photo from
Brooklyn Papers]

It's Consumption Time!

DongsanHuan, Beijing China

Ohhh all the things we can consume now - mops and woks and woks and herbs and chocolate - China never had this before the country opened up its borders to long-nosed foreigners. Now China is liberated! Participation in global economy of consumption is true freedom. Buy til you are numb and comfortable. China has finally learned the secretive Western benefits of neoliberalism at its best - let the masses consume till they are too full to speak up.

Street Vegetables and a Horsey

Xindong lu; Beijing, China

this is the first time I have seen someone selling vegetables with a horse pulling their wagon. for s city where every thing runs on cars and bicycles - I feel like this person was time lapsed here from the countryside - totally weird