Hi Tricia!


Saturday, March 18, 2006

Marquis Antoine Daniels is a "Healthy Woman Roof"

Hanzi Smatter has again showed us the stupidity of NBA players who get Chinese tattoos. Marqui

Marquis Antoine Daniels in the latest issues of DIME magazine said that his tattooe represents his initials: MAD.

FYI - The Chinese language does not a Western idea of an "alphabet." We have a character based system where we do build off of base characters, but it's no where equivalent or like the English concept of "alphabet."

So MAD's tattoo translates into Healthy Woman Roof (the third character is a partial roof.)

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Death and Taxes: A Visual Graphic Chart of Your US Tax Dollars

Visualize taxes: a graphic chart of US tax spending: mibi, the artist who made this chart explains,

"After a year in the making... researching, number crunching, layouts, stock gathering, and lots of procrastinating, i am proud to say it is finally done... Death and Taxes: A visual look at where your tax dollars go. Most people are unaware of how much of their taxes fund our military, and those aware are often misinformed. Well here it is. Laid out, easy to read and compare. With data straight from the White House. I hope this makes people think and ask questions. Why do we spend more on jets than we do on public housing? Why is the Endowment for the Arts so small? Whats with all this foreign military financing?

I'm sure you can come up with numerous questions of your own. Unfortunately I dont have any answers. Our leaders do. Your president, his cabinet and your congress person have these answers. Ask them for the answers or better yet, demand them
. Link to "Death and Taxes" project page"

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Kami Is My New HIV Positive Friend: HIV Ed Enters Kindergarten

NYC is finally following through with Dpt of Ed mandate that all students from Kindergarten to 12th grade are required to receive education about HIV/AIDS. This belated Kindergarten curriculum has a new HIV positive puppet, Kami, from the South African version of Sesame Street, Takalani Street. Here's the curriculum for third graders and up.

"Talking with Kids on discussing HIV and AIDS with children and the KidsHealth explanation of HIV. And the NYC Department of Health's information about HIV - which is definitely not geared for children. And in other young New Yorker news, health officials are targeting day care centers to make sure they feed their charges healthy foods."

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My Favorite Weekly Post Secret Roundup

See a Secret...Share a Secret:

(PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.)

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 3:42 PM

I wrote and drew up a postcard for PostSecret. I put it in an envelope and sealed it, but I couldn't find any stamps. Not wanting it to be found by nosey family members, I shoved it between my mattresses and forgot all about it.

Yesterday my friend dropped something between my bed and my wall, and pushed my bed out of the way to get to it. In the process, the top matress came partially off the bottom one, and the envelope was there, and it had torn open. She read it. "I WAS ABUSED BY MY BABYSITTER."

We talked about it for a while and the whole story behind my secret came out. I've never told anyone before, and I was so glad to get it off my chest. Together, we ripped up the postcard and burned it. I feel freed.


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My First Chill Sat Morning

My First Chill Sat Morning
Originally uploaded by triciawang.
I can't remember the last Saturday where I didn't have to get up early and be somwhere on time. This feels great to put my feet up and netnewswire without pressure.

Adult XXX section at St. Marks Videogames

St. Mark's Videogame store is famous for their collectibles. They have everygame u can think of for every system-sega, atari, and etc. And apparently now they also have every Girls Gone Wild and other porns to fulfill a male gamer's fantasy. This is a new section that takes up 1 shelf in the back.

Adult XXX section at St. Marks Videogames

Originally uploaded by triciawang.

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Dunkin Donuts New 9 Coffee Flavors

Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn

My new favorite coffee is Blueberry! And only this location in NYC is offering it so far.

Some DD Tips:

1.) NEVER go to Dunkin Donuts in the Bronx - their coffee is alwasy burnt and their donuts. The new one on Bruckner tastes like 1 week coffee. The one on off Garrison that's connected to a gas station has gas in their coffee.

2.) it's 15cents for a munchkin or 6 for $1 at the new DD on 14th and Broadway in Manh. It's 25cents for a munchkin or 6 for $1.50 at the Atlantic Ave in Brooklyn

3.) if you get coffee in the summer, ask for the ice in a separate cup, that way you get more coffee in the end! If they add ice - it's their way of saving $ by selling you ice coffee cuz in the end you end with the melted ice you end up drinking dilluted coffee.

4.) When you go through the Holland Tunnel,on the Jersey side there's a very convenient DD on the left hand side - great bathroom stop!

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