Hi Tricia!


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My New Blog: YouMeiTI 有媒体

Q: Tricia what have you been doing lately?
A: I've been obssesively working on my new blog: YouMeiTI 有媒体. That's probably why I am 2 weeks behind on e-mails.

Q: What does YouMeiTI stand for?
A: 青年 Youth | 媒体 Media | 科技 Technology | 信息 Information

Q: What is YouMeiTI about?
A: Exploring the nexus of Chinese Youth culture, Media, Technology and Information within a global context.

Q: What else have you been up to lately?
A: I live in NYC and my life is Netnewswire and Ecto - funny huh? But I am not depressed at all - I am totally happy! If I were doing this in Sacramento - then I would be depressed.

Q: Tricia are you really excited ahout this blog?
A: Oh yes - I've been planning it for the last year, and kenyatta helped me a few weeks ago to set it all up! this is the kind of stuff i really really love and want to study.

Q: How is your NetNewswire addiction?
A: It's a bit better now - but my accupressurist says that my mousing hand is all fucked up. It's from browsing Newnewswire! I have my thumb on my mouse pad as I scroll down through each post -

My New Ear at the Microcredit Summit

I am at the UN's panel on Microcredit Summit. Now I get to use that translating ear piece that I always see at UN meetings.
This panel is amazing. They r presenting a 10 yr study of microfinance in Bangladesh and Bolivia of how microdredit has brought millions out of poverty. Banks traditionally give MacroCredits (thousands to millions) to the rich. MicroCredit gaves small loans like $20-$100 to the poor. Today's panel is presenting a paper on the impact of MicroCredit provided with reproductive health and finance ed services on offering women a dignified route out of poverty.

UN's Global MicroCredit Summit Campaign

now I have to find a seat-plenty to chose from!

Amiri and Amina Baraka

Amiri and Amina Baraka
Originally uploaded by triciawang.
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn

Amiri and Amina Baraka are the first people I saw perform when I moved to Brooklyn - He signed my copy of his poem book. It was at the Bowery Poetry Club and it was post 9-11 and has just written that inflammatory poem that pissed everyone off and resulted in NJ stripping him of his Poet Laurete status. I don't agree with all his statements - especially those about Jewish people - but he aptly catpures a lot of the anger that people have with the system and makes a lot of great points about society and government - his antics are a bit old school but you still gotta give it to him speaking up still.