Hi Tricia!


Monday, October 03, 2005

Stanford University

Stanford University
Originally uploaded by triciawang.
Palo Alto, CA

Bay Bridge Traffic

Bay Bridge Traffic
Originally uploaded by triciawang.
San Francisco, CA
Ughhh - Oakland I'll be 15min late - stuck on Bay Bridge. I always wonder how many people have "the earthquake" cross their mind when they are stuck on the bridge.

Leaving SF

Leaving SF
Originally uploaded by triciawang.
Bay Bridge - SF, CA
Bye Bye SF - hello Oakland!

Oh Buddha!

Oh Buddha!
Originally uploaded by triciawang.
Berkeley, CA
Only in Berkeley would one find Buddha's head on the back of a van - I especially love the special weave covering the extra tire.

American Appalling Part 2

American Appalling Part 2
Originally uploaded by triciawang.
American Apparel, Ca
These pictures are above the dressing room. Hmmmmm....I don't really understand this concept.

American Appalling

American Appalling
Originally uploaded by triciawang.
American Apparel, CA
Does anyone else find these pictures American Apparel a bit appalling?
If you look closely at her butt, she has red scratches.

I guess it doesn't surprise me since the owner of AA is being sued for sexual harassment. Here's another article inJewish Journal that documents the 2nd lawsuit against him for exposing himnself to his employees. Supposedly he prefers Asians, masturbates in front of reporters and attempts to have sex with all the models he finds off the street. Money-rich man with big company confuses his company's success with his penis,- hmmm nothing new. He should come to NYC to fit in with all the sex-obsessed bankers and business men.
The workers who sued him formed an UNamerican Apparel site on My Space -

Unfortunately - I still LOVE their clothes. What can you do? A few butt scratches and sexual lawsuits can't keep me away from my fashion titillations.

Is This Bush Country?

Is This Bush Country?
Originally uploaded by triciawang.
Roseville, CA
I am back in the town where I spent my emotionally execrable teenage years - where I still I have scars on my knees from all the popular white kids pushing me down because I was Chinese. Anyways - my point is that this is a VERY Republican town - so I am surprised to see this message on the person's car - "Support Bush - Send YOUR Child to Iraq."
When I had a column in my high school paper, and I wrote about homophobia - my house was egged and toilet papered for several weeks. Maybe thing have changed.

I Found Bob Saget!

I Found Bob Saget!
Originally uploaded by triciawang.
University of California - Berkeley
Hey - Bob's on the College circuit now! His jokes must be a bit more mature than ones he told on Full House.