Hi Tricia!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Changing Benjamin Franklin's Water Diaper
I noticed That Benjamin Franklin Was not Doing WEll
Then I realized as I was taking this picture - damn it's hard to see him! so then it dawned on me that I became a new mother only 2 weeks ago, and I have yet to change his water diaper! But then it hit me, ohmygoddess I have a FEAR of fish, slimy things and anything moving - how the hell was I going to clean his fish pitcher without killing him? I hadn't even thought of this when I adopted him! I almost killed him the first 5 min (), but we made this far (2 weeks). I adopted a beta b.c they were so low maintenance - the closest thing I could have to love in SD without having to talk about my feelings and harboring resentment for unrequited human interaction without the words "research or sociology." But how do I clean him? Thankgod Katie called me and I told her about my anxiety with cleaning Benjamin Franklin, so she told me get a net! I don't have a net and I didn't want to drive to Petsmart b.c I hate going over train rail tracks since I was almost hit on Friday by the SD trolley that only goes 3 stops. So I decided I could do this - just find something that looks like a net in the kitchen.
In the second picture, I'm trying to figure out if Either of these Qualify as good Nets for Taking out Benjamin Franklin? Wouldn't a flour sifter kill him? Let's go with the gentle black plastic soup scooper.
As you can see, I survived the process and look at how clear the new water is!