Hi Tricia!


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Titillation - I Love This Purse!

IMG_5678, originally uploaded by tantek.

Changing Benjamin Franklin's Water Diaper

I noticed That Benjamin Franklin Was not Doing WEll
Then I realized as I was taking this picture - damn it's hard to see him! so then it dawned on me that I became a new mother only 2 weeks ago, and I have yet to change his water diaper! But then it hit me, ohmygoddess I have a FEAR of fish, slimy things and anything moving - how the hell was I going to clean his fish pitcher without killing him? I hadn't even thought of this when I adopted him! I almost killed him the first 5 min (), but we made this far (2 weeks). I adopted a beta b.c they were so low maintenance - the closest thing I could have to love in SD without having to talk about my feelings and harboring resentment for unrequited human interaction without the words "research or sociology." But how do I clean him? Thankgod Katie called me and I told her about my anxiety with cleaning Benjamin Franklin, so she told me get a net! I don't have a net and I didn't want to drive to Petsmart b.c I hate going over train rail tracks since I was almost hit on Friday by the SD trolley that only goes 3 stops. So I decided I could do this - just find something that looks like a net in the kitchen.

In the second picture, I'm trying to figure out if Either of these Qualify as good Nets for Taking out Benjamin Franklin? Wouldn't a flour sifter kill him? Let's go with the gentle black plastic soup scooper.

As you can see, I survived the process and look at how clear the new water is!

Shannon's amazing stash of unpaid Parking Tickets from UCSD

Ken and Joaquim in Action

El Cuervo Taco Shop
110 W Washington St
San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 295-9713

Beautiful Sky It's 9am in San Diego

Hillcrest, CA

I just went through a car wash and I just remembered that side view mirrors are incredibley useful - that is when they are clean.

Repping BK in SoCA

Repping BK in SoCA, originally uploaded by triciawang 王 圣 㨗.


3 Buck Chuck on the East Coast is 2 Buck Chuck in the West Coast

San diego, CA

Trader Joes is still faithful to the coast it started on. Don't forget that I brought TJ to nyc, along with Ushering in Target to Brooklyn. That's right.

People Are Really Comfortable With Leaving Their Shopping Bags Out in Their Conve

San Diego, CA

In NYC these bags would be gone and distributed in 2 seconds.