Hi Tricia!


Thursday, March 23, 2006

The OneillBuilding

The OneillBuilding
Originally uploaded by triciawang 王 圣 㨗.
6th ave and 21st, nyc

at first I thought this said the one ill building.com, but after thinking about it I saw below that the developer is O'neill .....ohhhh I get it! I wonder how many others thought this too.

PSP on Q Train

PSP on Q Train
Originally uploaded by triciawang 王 圣 㨗.

And Now Knitting on the Train!

2 Train, 72nd st

with Hugo and his I-Book Titicaca to my left, Alexandra sits across from me while knitting her new sweater. We couldn't stop laughing cuz this weirdo guy walked in at the next stop and couldn't stop staring at her yarn. Hmmmm Hugo how did u feel that another man was staring at Alexandra's yarn huh?

IBook Titicaca

IBook Titicaca
Originally uploaded by triciawang 王 圣 㨗.
2 Train, 72nd st

Unfortunately this Titicaca goes to my friend Hugo. Laptops r such a no-no on subways! It's like wearing a sign: mug me I have a laptop. But then again Hugo is from Columbia and he's worked extensively in the slums. He disagreed with my critical outlook of Ibooks on trains, but he agreed that he would NEVER reveal his laptop if he were in Columbia. I am reminded that America's streets just don't compare to the poverty and crime rate in that other countries deal with. Well in my own sheltered american world laptops on subways still remains a titcaca.

Autistic Water-Boy Turned Basketball Player Sets Record for 3-Pointers in Rochester, NY

thanks Pandapassport!

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ACLU defends blogger threatened by "ex-gays"

ACLU defends blogger threatened by "ex-gays": "Yes, there are religious right wackos who think you can pray away the gay. Or, rather, a lot of them don't think it - they've actually been caught cavorting in gay bars - but they use the "you're cured!" issue to try to fight against the civil rights of gays and lesbians.

Anyway, they threatened a blogger for making a parody of an "ex-gay" billboard, so the ACLU, God bless 'em, stepped in. Read more about the blogger and the case here at his blog."

AMERICAblog 3/22/06 9:47 AM John in DC

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