Beyond Broadcast: Fri Keynote with James Doyle
Beyond Broadcast: Fri Keynote with James Doyle
I am at the Beyond Broadcast Conference in Boston. I'm going to post notes from the conference for the next 2 days.
James Boyle's Keynote on How Not to Screw All This Up: Network Nuetrality
- it is a blindness to not see potential of commons-based production -
- we fail to see that by not completely controling property rights and etc there is opportunity to generate interesting levels of content. We are blind at every level of networked policy.
- we tend to systematically undervalue the openess and see only the potential of closed side and we should be aware of this.
- at every level there shold be a balance of protection versus openess = communications protocol and we need to decide how open or close.
- this struggle of decisions omn levels of control happens on every level, content generation to individual design-e.g. computer-e.g. language
- inability to understand costs of closing systems - they want incentives and control
- we are not good at understanding intangible property
- it's hard to deplete an idea
- Enclosure movement
- we tend not to think of authors as producing stuff out of raw material
- law school teaches the opposite - train lawyers to assume that client wants ALL the rights and MAXIMIM control - that's an assumption that schools assume this type of training
Some Tips:
- make sure you leave as much room for feedback so that other's can see what you can't see
- dont' give up on net nuetrality
- don't make more controls - DRM
- we need a counterweight to property rights - antitrust-democracy
James Doyles is a William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law and Faculty Co-Director of the Center for the Study of the Public Domain at Duke Law School
Technorati Tags: 2006, beyondbroadcast, boston, conference, media, participatory, technology
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