Leaving the Poor to Die inside New Orleans Superdome
Let's take a break from the CNN and Weather Channel's tautological coverage of Hurrican Katrina. I was talkiing with my friend Liane, who just providently moved back to California from New Orleans, about the Hurricane and how many people they crammed into the Superdome. She said one of her concern is putting all the people from warring projects inside the dome; the the propinquity of individuals with guns and all the gangs under one roof could produce some deleterious results. Oh and let's not forget that the noxious and dank conditions of the facilities after 3 days of use by 10,000 people.
So when the current Mayor of New Orleans refers to the urban population that has stayed behind - he's referring to the thousands of blacks who live in projects and don't have the economic resources to just leave the city, pay hundreds of dollars in gas, food, and hotel costs. So to flee to safety is really about economic mobility. So where do you put all the poor folks who don't have the means to leave? SUPERDOME. I think if you read this e-mail posted on BoingBoing-you'll get it. oh and by the way - did you know that 1in 6 New Orleans don't have a car?
hmm - now let's not forget that New Orleans is home to some of the most bellicose and sanguinary projects in the country. I am sure it doesn't help when they are subjected to NYC 60's-like urban "renewal" mishaps in forced rerelocation of thousands of low-income renters to make way for "new development projects" like...... Walmart! So let's hope those rival gangs have called a detente for now.
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