Trader Joes in Hewitt - the country of Long Island New York!
I aspire to go to every Trader Joes in the world! Some people dream of going to every continent, having sex in every state, living in all the big cities -but I aspire to go to every Trader Joes in the world! So here is the running list of all the Trader Joes I have been to: CA: Los Angeles, San Diego's Pacific Beach/Hillcrest/La Jolla, Santa Monica, Roseville; New Jersey: Westville, Wayne. I have been calling Trader Joes to add a store in Brooklyn - but I now that I think about it I don't think they could handle the sheer number of New Yorkers who would go crazy for their prices. New Yorkers will dessicate the store in 1 day and they wouldn't be able to keep up with the demand! Plus I think New Yorkers would turn the effusive Trader Joes employess into waspish staffers - so I am sorta glad they aren't here.
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